
Outfit Coordinate #7 ~ Warhol, Flowers & Sandwiches

Friday, July 31, 2015

back with an outfit post today! Summer is really great because there are so many opportunities to take nice outfit shots with there being so many pretty backgrounds around and not have to worry about freezing to death while trying to look nice for a photo :') I was doing some exploring in Toronto the other day and also went to see the Andy Warhol exhibit that opened!
Continue reading for more photos...

The best thing about the exhibit was that photography was allowed! Woohoo! I hate it when I'm not allowed to take photos in really neat looking spaces because I feel suddenly stressed out about having to remember every detail with my brain hehee. Thankfully that wasn't the case here because not only was the interior design of the exhibition super cool, but I could take picture to my hearts content!

Sitting between two of my favourites :)

This little lane was picture perfect so of course I could not resist and my friend and I had a good 15 minute photoshoot here. The white storefront on my left is a Kate Spade store and the inside was just so cute, I was very tempted to take photos inside but there were always salespeople watching and I decided to actually have some dignity that day so I restrained myself and settled for the exterior. 
It was such a lovely day out and there's so many flowers in bloom! Summer don't leave D: 

Outfit Details:
Jacket: J Crew
Blouse: Taobao
Shorts: H&M
Shoes: Teenmix
Bag: Florence street market

Apologies for a pack of photos of my top without the jacket, this was the the only one I managed to find... Yes I speak to my sandwiches don't judge.

And finally, here's an irrelevant but completely necessary photo of our delicious lunches.

A little update: I'll be going to China next week and will be there for all of August! Expect plenty of hauls and outfit (and food) posts! But apparently blogspot is blocked in China so I may not be able to update much, or reply to your comments, but I'm trying to get a personal VPN so I can jump the "Great Firewall of China" so fingers crossed! 

Thank you all for reading,

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  1. you've got such a cuteeee outfit dear! ^_^

    You looked like you had fun at the exhibition <3

    Lauren xx | laurlauu . beauty . fashion . life . blog

  2. I talk to my food too, don't worry, Suzy, hahahaha.

    Your outfit is super cute and ahh, the exhibition sounds awesome! I actually prefer places where they don't allow photography; allows me to be in the moment. Haha, anyway, I hope you have fun in China! What are you doing there, anyway?

    May | THE MAYDEN

    1. hehee, of course don't we all?
      It was great! And yeah, I sort if agree, especially if there are tons of people there and they're all clicking away on their cameras...
      I'm visiting family, doing some sightseeing and shopping!

  3. You look so cute &comfortable in your outfit! Ohmygoodness! I am the same way with galleries! Its just a relief when you know you can take pictures. I know I should treasure the moments in my brain but when there is something i really REALLY like i cant help but want to "Capture the moment" ... with my camera ... lol You look you had an adventure! Have fun in China can't wait for more of your adventure stories!

    1. ^exactly! haha first world problems...

      thank you!

  4. I really like Andy Warhol!! He's such a great artist :) Your outfit looks really cute~ I want to go to China as well c: I've never been there before!! Shop 'til you drop hahah Have fun!!

  5. Ooo yeah i hate when exhibitions don't allow you to take photos too!! i went to a tim burton one like 4~5 years ago and practically forgotten everything now haha!
    Your outfit is really cute~
    Have fun in China!! :)

    1. that's why photos are great :)
      thank you!

  6. Lovely outfit~! Hope you have fun in China <33


  7. You look good in this outfit.
    you look super cute ^^
    I want to go to china as well.. I wish one day. Lol
    anywau have fun in china.

    1. Hope you'll get to go someday! Thank you :)

  8. Super cute outfit ^v^ The lunch looks delicious
    Have fun in China and I hope you jump over the Great Firewall, heh ♥

    Mishs Diary

    1. Thank you, haha it was!
      Yes thankfully I've jumped over ;)

  9. love ur outfit, its so cute ^^
    Im waiting ur haul post from China ^^



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