
Travel Diaries ~ Munich, Germany

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Hello everyone, I hope you are all enjoying summer or whatever season it is where you are! I have realized that I am absolutely awful at doing blog posts in a timely fashion, which is why I am now bringing you a post on my trip to Europe LAST summer, almost one year ago.... oops! It's super late I know, but I still wanted to continue it because I still have a wealth of photos that I'd like to share! So bear with me as I continue to post about my adventure from nearly a year ago, and I've still probably got at least 3 more posts to go... 

If you recall, and maybe you don't because my last post was on Venice and that was quite a while ago, after Italy I went to Munich, in Southern Germany aka. Bavaria. On the train ride there we passed through Austria and it was very picturesque! Anyways, Germany and Italy are so incredibly different, even though they're close. The picture above is of the plaza (I forgot the name) before a large shopping street leading up to Marienplatz. Everything is so beautiful and neat and clean looking in Germany, I love it!

This is the entrance to the pedestrian shopping street, lined with old fashioned buildings that I felt were quite characteristically Bavarian-looking somehow. All the people and shops here were very neat looking too.

And this is the Marienplatz, the square in the city centre of Munich, the large building in the middle is the Rathaus (old town hall) There's a glockenspiel performance from the tower daily! Very crowded here, clearly the most touristy place to visit. 

Just one of many perfectly trimmed gardens in the city, which I passed by on our way to the largest garden, the English Gardens. This one was called the Hofgarten. Didn't actually take many pictures inside the English Gardens, there aren't many flowers or anything, it's quite big, sort of like Central Park in New York or Hyde Park in London. 
*Interesting thing - there's a little stream thing inside the park and people surf there! Surfing in the middle of the city, right next to a street with cars and traffic!

 The most quintessentially German lunch possible - in a beer garden! This one was the Chinese Towers Beer Garden right inside the English Gardens. Can I just say that this food was absolutely delicious? And inexpensive? And eating outdoors is amazing :)

Walking back to the hotel, we had to pass back though Marienplatz in the evening, not that I minded one bit! There were soo many street musicians since the sun is going down and their music was so beautiful! There were street string quartets spaced out perfectly so you could be constantly serenaded by beautiful music while walking down the pretty street. I have to say, walking down the street in the early evening and hearing Vivaldi's Spring played by the string quartets while doing so was probably one of my most vivid memories of Germany because it was just so lovely!

This may look like a simple ice cream cone but this apricot ice cream was some of the best I've ever tasted it was SO GOOOD! + I love waffle cones c:

The restaurant we visited for dinner was super good as well. I got these meat thingys ( sorry I can't remember the name!) I think they were sliced meatloaf? Meatloaf usually conjures up images of disgusting mystery meat in school cafeterias but I think this dish completely changed that for me because it was soo good, and the texture was great and the flavor was wonderful and the meat was so tender! I think I've had my fill of delicious meat in Germany. (Kidding I can never have my fill of delicious anything because I'm a glutton)

Well that's all for that day in Munich, and next (hopefully soon) I will post my next part where I visited some lovely castles and beautiful villages! 

Thank you all for reading! 


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  1. Ahhh, Vivaldi's Spring in the very center of Munich sounds like a dream! My brother visited Munich recently and he's taken a lot of photos of the place (a LOT with the cathedral) and I've been drowning in jealousy. Haha, the food looks SO GOOD. Can't wait for more of your travel posts!

    May | THE MAYDEN

    1. the cathedral was under construction while I was there! (fml) And yes the food was great :) thanks for reading c:

  2. I went to Munich ages ago and it's such a beautiful city with a lot of history. Tbh I don't like German food...I only love brezels xD

    1. b-bbb-but german sausages though? D':
      haha, yes those are delicious!

  3. Such a beautiful city, I wanna visit there someday XD


  4. Munich looks soo beautiful. I'd love to go there one day.. especially because of those talented street musicians. Sounds like a romantic place :3

    NICOLE'S NOTEBOOK - lifestyle, food, travel & beauty+

    1. it was lovely, and the street musicians are incredibly talented!

  5. Ah Germany is on the middle of my list of places to visit. I'm glad you put travel posts up! The waffle cone looks so delicious :) And apricot ice-cream is something new!


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