
Summer Korean Beauty Product Haul ~ pt.1 Innisfree, Etude House + more

Monday, September 14, 2015

Hello everyone! Finally back and organized myself sufficiently to write a blog post again, it's been a while! I was super tired since I got back from China, and was too lazy to put all my luggage away, and then my phone broke and had to send it in for repairs, and now schools starting, ahhhhh! Seeing that I bought a lot of stuff in China though, I do have quite a bit to write about but just no time to write it. 
So this is part one of the the Korean Beauty product haul of things I got in China! Obviously, since Korea is closer to China than it is to Canada, some Taobao sell Korean beauty products straight from Korea, with better deals to be gotten than on the usual online stores or the actual stores here in Canada. So of course, I had to take advantage, and here's batch number one of the stuff I ordered. I also provided links to purchase it you're interested!
 Innisfree It's Real Squeeze Masks : Kiwi, Green Tea, Tea Tree ~ $1 each
I think that I may enjoy buying sheet masks more than using them, because I am always super eager to buy new ones with all sorts of interesting ingredients. There are just so many types of masks out there you just want to try them all, haha. These sheet masks were 5.50 rmb each, which is less than $1 each. That's a pretty good deal considering usually masks are at least $2 if you buy them individually, and even sheet masks in boxes end up being more than one dollar each. I only got a few, just to try them out, but I got a bunch more which I'll be showing in my next haul of my second purchase :)
Nature Republic Aloe Vera Emulsion & Toner ~ $15I decided that I would get a toner and lotion to use so I wouldn't have to bring any to China. The hot weather in China tends to make my skin rather irritated so I decided to get this aloe vera set from Nature Republic. This set was only 75 rmb which is about $15, a pretty good deal for a toner and lotion! I've never seen this product around before so I'm  glad I got to try it out.

Etude House Rosy tint Lips ~ $7
This is a product that I've seen around ALOT before, since so many bloggers and youtubers recommend this. I've actually never tried a lip tint before (!!) so I decided to give this one a try. I bought shade #4 , called sweet poison.

Etude House Precious Mineral Any Cushion: $13
I actually tried a bb cushion for the first time when I bought the Missha Magic M cushion but I tragically lost it before I went to China and before I got to review or take pictures of it :( So I decided to give the Etude House one a try since it's very popular and not too pricey. Will do review on this soon!

Too Cool for school Egg Mousse Pack: $7
I've never really seen this product around either, but it was on sale in the shop and I've always wanted to try something from too cool for school :) I read some reviews and it seems quite suitable for oily skin so I decided to give it a try! I have not yet opened it so I will update when I get around to using it

Innisfree No-Sebum Mineral Powder: $6.50
And the final product is definitely a very popular one, and I've been wanting to try it for a while! Pony (from Pony's beauty diary) often uses it in her videos and it's supposed to work very well! Pretty excited to use this, especially since I have v. oily skin.

If you're interested in any of these products:
Innisfree it's real Masks - Kiwi, Green Tea, Tea Tree
Nature Republic Aloe Vera Toner & Lotion
Etude House Rosy tint lips #4
ET Precious Mineral Any Cushion
TCFC Egg Mousse mask
Innisfree no-sebum powder

And that's it for part one of my haul, look forward to part two coming (hopefully) soon!
Hope you are all enjoying early fall, and probably back to school for many people... yay! Very sad that the summer is over but I'm also happy for slightly cooler weather because there's only so much of steamy hot summer days one can stand. 

Do let me know if there's any particular products you'd like me to review!

Thank you for reading,

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  1. Nice haul! *w*
    I was wondering how you found reliable sellers on Taobao? I was in China this Summer too and I wanted to purchase some Korean makeup off Taobao but I didn't know how to find out if the vendors were selling legit products or not.

    1. Well, usually I look at the seller rating, which you can see on the side bar of the store and it's identified by different icons, ranging from hearts, diamonds, blue crowns, and gold crowns. I usually try to go for at least blue crowns when it comes to makeup stores. As well, you can also see how many of the product they've sold in the past month and also view buyer reviews.
      Generally, if the store has high ratings it's pretty safe and I'd have nothing but good experiences with Taobao.

      Good luck!

  2. wow you bought quite a lot haul and good thing is..it's actually cheap esp the mask.
    Oh my,less than $ 1 ?? *_*
    looking forward for your review of Nature Republic's emulsion and toner set.looks quite nice tho!


    1. It was such an amazing deal, I know!
      Will do :)


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