
January/February Favourites

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Hello everyone, and happy lunar New Year to those who celebrate it! 
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted, February has been a crazy month for me as I've been away almost every weekend. 
I stayed at a ski resort last weekend and it was absolutely freezing! I skiied for one day and felt like I was going to turn into an icicle so I gave up after that and just took pictures and went to a cute cafe with my friend, where I took the photo above. It's really nice eating a cinnamon bun and drinking a latte indoors instead of being outside in the -40C temperatures!
I have a few things to share that really helped me get through these cold months, and some products that I've been using often recently!
I love having warm drinks in the morning, but I also don't want to spend $5.00 every day on a Starbucks drink. This traveller's mug is super handy for making my own drinks and it looks nice, haha. It's also much more eco-friendly as well! I've used it nearly every single day this month. 

A product I've been relying on a lot recently is dry shampoo. I absolutely hate the feeling of washing my hair in the winter because it's so cold and it sucks having wet hair when it's cold haha. And, it's also really hard to climb out of my warm bed in the cold mornings to wash my hair. Knowing that I have a can of dry shampoo sitting on my dressing table lets me sleep in a little longer! This one by Batiste is the first one I've ever tried actually, and it works pretty well, and smells quite nice without being overpowering. I really don't like really strong scents in my hair because it's so close to my face, you know what I mean? Although I will always have to wash my hair that evening if I do use it, because the effects still don't replace a proper hair wash!

This is the lipstick that came in the little birthday gift box from Sephora that I picked up back in November. I  really like this color, especially since actually it looks pretty natural when worn and is a nice natural shade for winter. I have no clue what it's called, but hopefully I can find the full-size when this one's done! Also, I love how it's super tiny, it's so cute :)

Even me, with skin that almost never needs moisturizer, gets dry legs and elbows in the winter! It's definitely not a nice feeling having dry skin, especially on your hands that get frostbitten when you don't have gloves. I got a few mini body butters during a promo at the Body shop during the summer, but I never bothered to use them until now! This one is SUPER moisturizing and the smell reminds me of summer, which is nice, although a little strong. I definitely recommend Body Butter from the Body shop, they have lots of different ones that all smell amazing ( the mango one's my favourite!)

And also important, my favourite Korean Drama of the month:

Pinocchio! The drama finished in mid-January, and I was so sad to see it end! It's definitely one of my favourites - the storyline was the perfect mix of funny, romantic and dramatic. All the characters were really well played, and I loved the cast (Lee Jong Suk ♥ ♥ ) ! I'd definitely recommend it if anyone's looking for something to watch. Also, listen to the OST, the instrumentals on it are beautiful. I also just finished Birth of a Beauty, which was also pretty good, recommend it as well!

One of my favourite songs this month (aside from listening to the Pinocchio OST) was Erase by Jooyoung and Hyorin (of Sistar). It was on my Youtube recommended list, and I'm so glad I clicked on it. Their voices work so well together, and I hope they'll do another collab together!

And just to end this off, here's a picture of the freezing (but pretty) weather in Canada! This parka also belongs on this list because I wear it everyday and so far it's prevented me from becoming a snowman.
It was cold...

If you're interested in any of the items:

So that's it for this month, thanks for reading, and let me know in the comments some of your favourites for winter :)

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  1. omg now i want a cinnamon bun :( haha
    Batiste is my favourite dry shampoo brand, I've tried a few brands but nothing works as good as Batiste in my opinion. I like the cherry one :)

    1. It was really yummy :)
      I decided to try Batiste because I'd heard so many good review on it, glad I picked it up!

  2. I love this post and your blog! You take some gorgeous pictures. What camera do you use? I have yet to try Batiste dry shampoo... Do you want to follow each other? >__<

    -Maja <3


    1. Thank you! I use the Casio EX-ZR1200.
      You should try it out, dry shampoo is so convenient :)

  3. hi suzy thanks for drop by my blog! that make up forever lipstick color is so pretty also erase by jooyoung x hyolyn is the best! im kinda addicted to that song as well anyway,i have followed you via bloglovin.i hope we can be friend ^__^


    1. I have that song on replay all the time haha!
      Thank you :)

  4. Ooh the bun in the picture looks gorgeous! That is a beautiful lipstick shade Rebecca || Rebecca Marie xx

  5. hello dear,just want to inform you that i just tagged you to receive Versatile Blogger Award because i think you're an amazing blogger and deserve this!

    you can check more about the details of this award on my post ,here :
    would love to read about your post soon!

    Ann // Petite-Diaries

  6. Yay a fellow Canadian! Good picks for favorites, the body shop has tons of awesome scents. And it looks so cold in Toronto!

    Would love if you check out my blog!
    Raincouver Beauty

    1. I love body shop scents! And yes, it is freezing, although it's finally starting to warm up slightly :)


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