
Travel Diaries: Venice

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hello everyone, I'm back with the next part of my travel diaries (from the summer bc I'm super slow), finally at the next stop, Venice!
( you can check out Rome parts 1, 2, and 3)

I was only in Venice for 2 days, and I wish I got more time to explore the beautiful city! Sounds really cheesy, but it's a really "magical" place, haha. with gondolas and picturesque bridges at every corner. I went nuts taking photos because nearly every turn was postcard-worthy. The buildings and shops are really colorful and there's people everywhere, and it had a really nice sort of feel, you'd know what I mean if you travelled there yourself :) 
The only thing was that a lot of the building look quite old and worn, especially those right in the water, that had moss and mold growing on the sides haha. but I guess that adds character!

The photo above was from when I went on a gondola ride, a must-do in Venice. I used to think that it was very impractical that everyone in Venice got around only on Gondolas, but then I realized that they actually have motor-boat water-taxi's and water-buses that are way faster, lol. Well, the more you know!

See what I mean about every bridge and corner being picture perfect? (and having worn out old buildings too). The streets are usually super filled with people but this was early in the morning. 

 And the center of the Venice, the Grand Canal. I love how all the boats and buildings are so colorful. 

And now this picture accurately illustrates how many people(tourists) there really were. This was at 9:00 in the morning that Piazza San Marco was packed. Look at the size of that line haha. The buildings are gorgeous though, so at least they could appreciate the architecture while they wait?

This was inside the Palazzo Ducale, another really gorgeous palace. I think they really had a thing for white-washed buildings? Definitely contrasts with the colorful streets. It was a rainy morning, so the entire picture just looks incredibly white.

Of course I can't leave out the delicious pasta I had for lunch that day! Even though this was a few months ago, I still vividly remember this pasta because it was delicious, haha. It was creamy, but also had the best ham and mushrooms along with truffle oil. Basically heaven on a plate

Here an example of the beautiful masks that are sold everywhere! They were all so gorgeous and impossibly detailed. I would have loved to buy one except I have no idea how I'd bring it home in one piece sadly :( But of course I can always admire the photos when ever I want!

Rialto Bridge, the biggest of them all. Took this picture while on a water taxi, which was a fun experience and maybe not as romantic as a gondola ride but definitely more exciting because it moved a lot faster, lol.

In the next part I'll be travelling to Germany (finally) which I am very excited to post about soon :) 
Thank you for reading!


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  1. So beautiful, Venice is on my bucketlist. Hope to take beautiful pictures like these there someday!
    love your blog btw

    1. Hope you'll get to visit soon, and thank you !

  2. Omg so pretttttyyyyy!!!!! D: I would love to go there!

  3. oh my.. Venice is breathtakingly beautiful. i would love to visit there some day.

    dropping by from http://themelliediaries.blogspot.kr/

    i'm loving your blog! i'm going to follow you~ i look forward to your upcoming posts :)

  4. The places looks really beautiful, it looks like you're having good time there^^

    super loving your blog! All the picture are really pretty and it's easy to read ^^

    btw , mind to do follow each other in blog? so we can be updated with other's post ^^ tell me if you're interested , and I'm gonna follow you back soon afterward. hehe


  5. You have wonderful photos! I wish I can travel soon too! The view looks so amazing! I hope you had a great time!

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    Joanne ofUrhappybunnie


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