
Missha M Perfect Cover BB cream ~ Beauty Product Review

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've done a beauty product review, so I'm finally back with another one on the Perfect Cover BB cream from Missha!
I mentioned this product in a haul a while back, and I mentioned that I was really excited to try out the product since hearing lots of great reviews about it. I've been using this for a few months now, so I'll be sharing my review of this product :)

This is a really popular Korean BB cream, and when I was looking for a new bb cream to try, I saw this on tons of youtube videos and blogger reviews. It was also a bestseller on lots of online Korean beauty shops, so I thought I'd give it a try. 

First off, the packaging. It's pretty standard Korean BB cream packaging, a tube with a pump. It came in a nice looking shiny box (oops you can see my reflection). The pump is nice, and usually one full pump is just the right amount that I'd need for one application. It is a little bit difficult to control the amount especially if you want to dispense a little less; not as much control as a normal squeeze tube. 

 This is the description on the front of the tube. That's definitely a lot of skin benefits, but pretty typical of most Korean BB creams. 
I bought no.21 light beige. This bb cream surprisingly comes in quite a number of shades, kind of uncommon for Korean BB creams which usually come in one or two shades only. 21 was the lightest one they had in store, with two or three darker ones ( I can't remember exactly how many) and apparently they came out with one even lighter than 21 recently. The bb cream does oxidize slightly, although a bit less than BB creams that only come in one shade.
The consistency is definitely not similar to usual western BB creams; it's slightly more thick and is definitly a lot less sheer. The BB cream was very smooth and super easy to apply, I usually just use my fingers for this and it works really well! I like how it easily applies evenly - definitely makes it very convenient and quick to use. 
Here's now it looks spread out a bit.The coverage is medium, but is very easy to layer for heavier coverage. Most days, I just use this bb cream over some moisturizer, and layer it a bit for trouble areas ( and my skin is really bad), so I really like how it has just the right amount of coverage for an everyday look so you don't have to bother with using several different products. Once again, saves time!


+ Range of shades
+ Smooth consistency, easy application! 
+ Nice coverage

- Somewhat inconvenient packaging?
- Nothing else!

Overall, I really liked this BB cream, and it's currently the one I use on a regular basis. I think the main selling point for me is the color, this ones suits my skin tone perfectly and I think that's one of the most important things to consider in any skin makeup! No matter how good the formula, if the color doesn't fit, it won't look good. But luckily, this product has a great formula and suits my skin nicely :) 
It does an okay job at oil control, I generally still have to use some blotting paper during the day, but it doesn't feel to heavy on my skin, at least not during the winter. As for all the skincare benefits it's supposed to have, I haven't really noticed any brightening in particular, or fading of blemishes, but it definitely didn't break me out. 
I think I'd definitely repurchase this product, especially since it's not too expensive ( I got it for $19.00) and this tube has lasted me around 4 months so far, and there's still lots of product left in the tube! 
You can get it here (it's only $10.50 online darn it)

Thanks for reading, and let me know in the comments if you've tried out this BB cream before, or if you have any product recommendations!


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  1. i have that BB cream too! probably my best :)
    want to follow each other on GFC ??


    1. I'm glad you liked it too :)
      I don't use GFC, we can follow on bloglovin or google+ though!

  2. I'm not really a fan of BB creams but reading your review I guess it's worth the try!

    Janine | Lime & Life

  3. This bbcream is really popular! :) I've wanted to purchase it for a while...Hmmhhh what should i do?

  4. I never used any of the Missha bb creams, its good the oil control is decent and doesn't break you out. :)

    1. Those are definitely important things to consider in a bb cream :)

  5. i never used misha, but it seems a really good product. i read many good reviews of misha. great review tho <3

    xx, Riotous Lolita

  6. I've got this bb cream, and I really like it! I got the whitening version (or something like that....) so in the summer I can't wear it cuz it will make me look like a ghost :( I wish I would've bought the darker shade


    1. I have that problem too, I usually buy a slightly darker shade to wear in the summertime!

  7. I've never tried Missha BB creams, How long does it stay on for usually? 5-6 hours?
    and also nice blog!

    1. I wear it the whole day because I'm too lazy to reapply, but it does definitely stay for around 5-6 hours at least!

  8. This is my holy grail korean bb cream, even my mom loves it too :D. It works great on my super duper oily skin. The coverage is no joke tho. I've followed you on Bloglovin & Google+ ;)


    1. Agreed, it's great for oily skin!
      Thank you :)

  9. wow. I have never tried missha bb cream so far. I saw the texture is a bit thick. but I heard they have a good coverage. nice review!


    1. It looks a bit thick, but generally Asian BB creams are like that, but they provide more coverage. Thank you for reading!


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