
Outfit Coordinate #9 - Sweatshirts & plaid

Monday, November 23, 2015

Hello everyone! back with another outfit post today, I managed to take quite a few outfit pictures recently, because I absolutely love fall weather and fashion :) sadly fall always ends too quickly and cold weather sets in much too fast for my liking. It's actually been snowing the past two days :( Must enjoy sweater weather while I can!

This outfit is definitely much more casual than my usual outfits... this is probably the first outfit post where I'm wearing sneakers :) 
Recently, I've been liking the casual "sportish" look more, although I'm probably the least sporty person ever aha... I feel like they are super comfy and also look effortless!

I took these photos a couple of weeks ago while going hiking, and the colors of the leaves were so beautiful! Too bad most of them have fallen off by now :c

Outfit details:

Sunglasses : Aldo
Sweatshirt: Forever 21
Leggings: American Apparel
Flannel Button-down: Brandy Melville
Shoes: Nike

I hope everyone is enjoying the last few weeks of this year - November is going by super fast, I feel like it just started! This month has been crazy hectic because last week we had a ton of midterm assignments, plus I'm the head producer for this show at school and rehearsals are taking up all of my time , PLUS it's my birthday on thursday which is the same day as the show c: Wish me luck for this week! 

Thank you for reading

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  1. Replies
    1. thank you! It makes an appearance in many of my outfits haha :)

  2. Beautiful. Wish i was wearing your outfits☁☁☁☁☁☁☁

  3. Ah that flannel button down is so cute! :)
    Happy belated birthday! I hope you had a good birthday!

    Mia - Rainbow Road

  4. very cute outfit coordinate girl!
    the background is beautiful too *_*
    Lauren xx | laurlauu . beauty . fashion . life . blog


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