
Outfit Coordinate #6 ~ Feeling Rosy

Friday, June 26, 2015

Hello everyone, I'm finally posting my first summer outfit of the year! I sort of skipped over spring since my last outfit was a sweater and long pants and now suddenly I'm on to shorts, but oh well...

I took these photos on a visit to the Botanical Gardens, and I was pretty overwhelmed with the number of places that would make great outfit backgrounds so I actually switched shooting locations several times. I wish I could bring lots of outfits too but I would be way to lazy to change lol. Anyways, one of my favourite things about warm weather is the green grass and beautiful flowers! Actually, these pictures were taken a little while ago, when everything was blooming. It's kind of sad that pretty flowers are so short lived and we can only enjoy their beauty (and use them as OOTD backdrops) for a little while :( 

Even though it's already June, the weather is still quite moody and a few days ago it was a little chilly, ad then the next day it's super hot. I'm still loving this weather though because I can make full use of my summer clothes and it feels like getting a whole new closet when I take out my shorts and tank tops!

There was a little grove full of magnolia trees that were so beautiful! I think that these are my new favourite flowers c: 

Outfit Details:
Top: H&M
Shorts: American Apparel
Shoes: Aldo
Bag: Forever 21

So, I hope all of you are enjoying your weather wherever you are, whether it's winter or summer :) 
Thank you for reading!

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  1. I also love taking beautiful backgrounds same as you! , I love your photos here! :))


  2. I love your shorts! So cute ^^


  3. Ooo yeah i really love the backgrounds~ :D i like how your shoes match your top~ haha

  4. So nice clothes!!! You're so pretty >w<

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