
[Sponsored] Review ~ Bunny Color Brown Circle Lenses from Klenspop

Saturday, May 09, 2015

Hello everyone! I'm here today with a circle lens review of the Bunny Color Brown Circle Lenses from Klenspop.
This is my first time working with them and trying out their products, so read on to find out about my experience and my review of the lenses!
Klenspop is an online shop that sells many styles of circle lenses that ships from South Korea. All their lenses are very affordable, most under 20$ a pair.
Shipping from Korea to Canada took about 2 weeks, which is actually faster than expected as they told me it could take around 3-4 weeks, so it was a pleasant surprise when I recieved it. 
I had some questions regarding the tracking number and the shipping times during the process, and Klenspop's customer support always responded super fast and was always very helpful and addressed all of my questions! The customer support is very friendly ^^

The product came in a small cardboard box wrapped in styrofoam and everything was neatly and safely packaged and the product was undamaged. 

The lenses are housed in this box specially from Klenspop., and the back of the box has instructions for putting on and taking off lenses as well as lens care, in English, with some cute illustrations.

Inside the box, there was a pair of tweezers, a lens case, and of course, the lens themselves which came in the usual little jars. To be honest, I had a little bit of trouble opening one of them bit I think that's just me being clumsy as usual...

Lens details: (from the website description)
Diameter: 14mm
Graphic Diameter: 13.8mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Life Span: 1 year disposal
Country of origin: South Korea
Price Includes: 1 PAIR (2 pcs) + BONUS CASE
They're from the brand lenspop, which I believe is the brand from klenspop.com (which is related to jlenspop.com) which I've never tried before, and actually never heard of up until this point either.
And at last, the important part, here's what the lens actually look like! They are a mix of light and dark brown with a darker outer ring, which gives it more definition I suppose? I'm quite glad they asked me to review these lenses because I wanted something that I could wear and still look natural, and I was pretty excited to try them on! Since I normally don't wear circle lenses, I wanted lenses that I could wear without suddenly freaking everyone out with huge light colored eyes, haha. Gotta ease into it ;)

So, now I will bury you lots of pictures!

Under Natural light:
 Attack of the cyclops!
Here's a very up close shot, you can even see the reflection of the camera in my eyeball haha! The design looks very obvious at this distance. I like how the outer ring isn't extreme dark but kind of fades out for a slight more natural look so your pupils don't look too enlarged. You can notice the light brown and dark brown flecks that look fairly natural but still a little different.

Some contact lenses look quite odd when you don't wear a lot of makeup with it, especially very vividly colored and enlargening ones, but I think these look pretty normal even with minimal makeup. I'm just wearing eyeliner and mascara in the pictures.

Not sure why I look like I just ate a lemon but oh well...

Under indoor fluorescent light:

They look more or less the same under different lighting but a little more natural indoors since I guess it's harder to see when it's not as brightly lit. 

Overall, the effect of the lenses is just a slightly ligher brown outer ring that blends fairly nicely with my natural dark brown eyes.

Appearance/color : 5/5
personally, I really like how these lenses suited my eyes, as it blended in nicely and has a natural enlargening effect that looks normal enough to be worn regularly, as well the flecks of light brown looks really pretty.

Comfort: 4.5/5 
I'm used to wearing regular contact lenses, and my usual acuvue Oasys lenses are known for being extremely comfortable, so I was afraid that the circle lenses wouldn't really compare. However, they are fairly comfortable, and I can wear them for a whole day without using eye drops, and they'd only start to feel a bit dry later at night after around 10 hours of wear! There sometimes is a slight bit of discomfort when I just put them on, but overall they are pretty unnoticeable. They were also pretty easy to put on since the diameter is not much bigger than normal contact lenses.

Enlargement: 3.5/5
If you are looking for a pair of very enlarging lenses then I wouldn't really recommend these particular ones, as they enlargen slightly but not to a very noticeable extent. It's definitely more of a natural look, but the slight enlargement still has a very pretty effect, in my opinion!

You can buy these lenses for only $15.00 here.
Or, check out their large selection of lenses here, or click the link in my side bar.

Thank you for reading!

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  1. I just did a review on these too :D hahaa they look really pretty on you

    1. haha, thank you, they looked really nice on you too ;)

  2. Ooh, I've been reading a lot of reviews about klenspop and most of them are positive, so I might need to give them a try ASAP. These lenses look really nice on you, and I'm loving how "natural" it is compared to other circle lenses!

    May x • The MaydenBloglovin'

    1. And by the way, thanks for dropping by on my blog! I'd love for us to follow each other! I've followed you on bloglovin 'and g+!

      May x • The MaydenBloglovin'

    2. If you're looking for somewhere to get circle lenses, you should check it out!
      Thank you c:

  3. Great review and the lenses looks great on you too. Followed you dear I hope you do the same. XOXO! Thank you for your comment on
    Qing's Style

  4. You look very good with those lenses, very natural. Thanks for sharing and make an effort to show us how do they look with different lightnings :)

    I Followed your blog via G+ and Bloglovin, so it would be so nice if you did the same.
    See you in my blog:


  5. Looks really pretty and natural! ^^ Nice pictures as well ^^


  6. Hello Suzy! That looks natural and beautiful~ I've never worn coloured contact lenses, how does it feel really. Does it affect your vision by making it all brown!?

    Celly | asian beauty and makeup blog

    1. thank you! No it doesn't, colored lenses are only colored in a ring shape, so your irises aren't covered by the color! It would be very annoying if everything became brown haha c:

  7. glad you do, thanks for reading c:

  8. Replies
    1. I really liked the natural effect :) thanks!

  9. They look very nice! Now I'm waiting for my bunny lenses :-)


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