
Style Coordinate #5 - Into the Woods

Monday, April 20, 2015

Back again with another Style Coordinate post! I think I'm making up for my lack of outfit posts in the previous months with two in a row :) 
The weather is finally getting warm although it's still looking rather dreary outside, and hardly a speck of green can been seen outdoors, although it's finally warm enough to walk around without a jacket! 
I took these photos over the Easter long weekend when everyone was out enjoying the "warm weather", a toasty 10 degrees celsius! Welcome to Canada! Anyhoo, just knowing that nicer weather is so close makes me really happy, because that means that summer is around the corner and I can bring out all the warm weather clothes!

The long weekend was amazing because it was a welcome breather from schoolwork and a good time to enjoy some views other than my work desk and textbooks. I went to a lovely park near the lake, following Korean Barbecue which explains why I may look kind of fat in my pictures, because I ate a giant bowl of bibimbap and 342314 pieces of meat and sushi (yeah, not the best way to get that summer body ready...) It was actually very difficult taking these pictures because I could hardly walk with my back straight because I WAS SO FULL 
But my mom wouldn't let me crawl around the park so I had to walk, which is probably better or I would've just went to sleep c: 

And then there were these stacks of tree trunks, and the opportunity to take artsy photos  woke me out of my food coma right away. I'm very surprised that pile of wood didn't topple under my weight!!

Why do people feel the need to write their names everywhere? Darn graffiti everywhere -.- At least view is decent, and the water isn't frozen, hooray! 

Outfit Details:
Sweater: BP
Leggings: American Apparel
Shoes: Aldo
Bag: Unknown shop in China

I hope you all are enjoying the warming (or cooling weather) where ever you are!

Thank you for reading,

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  1. I am already sick of Florida weather, haha! I'll trade you for a day! Yesterday topped out at around 36C! Hot, hot, hot.

    I really love that sweater. It's perfect for an outing in the woods :)


  2. 10C..... what even hahaha!!
    Nice pictures! I really like the view :D
    Im craving kbbq nowwww

    1. I know right, it's supposed to be spring -.-
      thank you for reading c:

  3. All the pictures are so pretty! And haha I don't understand why people write on public places either... if its pretty maybe but usually its not very artistic or its just spurr of the moment OTL I love the view on the first picture!

    Jessie @ bijou-heart: Newest Post~ Week in a Nutshell and Poems

    1. that was one of my favourites too :) thank you!

  4. Canada looks so pretty!!! I love the scenery you shot or coordinate at!
    your sweater is cute (● ♡ ∀ ♡)
    xx Charmaine

    Charrmyn || Otaku Corner #03

  5. This is nice! Awesome outfit! Love canada <3


  6. I love your sweater too! The place looks beautiful!


  7. This is lovely! We are entering Winter in Australia now so it puts me in the mood for warm clothes ^_^

    { sparklesideup.com }

    1. I'm so excited for summer that sometimes I forget that people on the other side of the world are getting ready for cold weather ^^

  8. Such a cute outfit!

  9. Loving your sweater! Haha btw I followed you on bloglovin. x



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