
Missha M Perfect Cover BB cream ~ Beauty Product Review

Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've done a beauty product review, so I'm finally back with another one on the Perfect Cover BB cream from Missha! I mentioned this product in a haul a while back, and I mentioned that I was really excited to try out the product since hearing lots of great reviews about it. I've been using this...

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Travel Diaries: Rome/Venice

Back with part 3 of my travel diaries! It's actually taking me forever to post all my vacation pics, I mean it's been 5 months since I've gone and I'm only on day 3 -.- Apologies for my procrastination, I promise I'll finish up this series (someday) :) Final day in Rome, when I visited the Vatican, plus the evening spent in Venice. ...

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What I Got For Christmas ~ 2014

First post of 2015! well it's already 11 days in, so much for my resolution of posting every week...  I was kind of depressed the first half of this week since the holiday season is officially over and it's back to school and reality :( Especially since I have exams coming up in a week, and there's just been so much work, it...

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