
Mini Korean Cosmetics Haul!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas and happy holidays lovely readers! Sorry I've been away the past two weeks, the holidays can get really busy too. I have a mini haul to share, and I'll hopefully be able to post more now that school's done for the year :)

I ordered a few products that I'd been wanting to try/were on sale around the end of November from Cosmetic Love (This post isn't sponsored by them, just my personal purchases) and the stuff came around the second week of December. It was supposed to take around 25-30 business days, since it comes all the way from Korea, but it only took around 14 business days, which is actually pretty quick! 
And now onto the products I ordered!

I've been try Ciracle's Red Spot Cream for a while now, after seeing a bunch of reviews on it, and people saying that it was pretty effective for acne, especially getting rid of acne scars. Since I've got lots of those, it was definitely something I wanted to try out.
This was $22.76.. I will be doing a review on this once I've tried it a few times!
Another product I really wanted to get was the Dear my Wish lips-talk from Etude House. They just came out with another collection of colors in the fall, and this color, PK003, called "secret love" looked super gorgeous on Krystal, so I'll just assume that it'll look nice on me as well, haha. The color didn't show up that nicely on the photo, but it's a really rich berry color that I think would be perfect for the holidays!
It was also perfect that all the lipsticks from this collection were 20% off and I got this for $7.95.

   This last thing I got was mostly because it was 50% off, and I needed a new bb cream so I thought I'd pick this one up. It's the Laniege snow bb cream in No. 2, natural bb. It only came in two shades, no. 1 was called "shimmer brightening" and I was a little reluctant to buy that without actually seeing the shade. I'm always a little iffy about buying skin products online without trying the actual thing first, but I checked out some reviews of this and swatches and it looked like a pretty okay color, plus bb creams are kind of sheer anyways. Luckily this one ended up being a good fit!
Laniege is a relatively higher end brand (compared to etude house and such anyways) so I thought it was a pretty good deal for this bb cream, which was $17.22, down from around $35. 

And as always, here's the samples, my favourite part haha :) Really excited to try these out too, especially that etude house face conditioning cream. 

If you're interested in any of these products:
Red Spot Cream
Laneige BB cream
Etude House Lipstick

Also, if you're interested in buying from cosmetic-love, sign up here for a 15% percent off coupon! And that's it for this mini-haul, let me know if you've tried any of these products and what you thought of them, or if you have any product recommendations. 
Thanks for reading, and happy holidays lovely readers!


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  1. First Comment!! Hahaha~~~

    Sure, I follow you on G+ because i doesn't use bloglovin, Hope You can follow back me :D
    OMO!! I really like Laneige & Etude House Stuff ^^ Especially BB Cream from Etude and Moisture from Laneige :)

    1. Sorry, I forget to leave my link to you :D


    2. thank you, followed you back!
      I've been really wanting to try out the etude house bb cream, thanks for the rec. :)

  2. You bought some awesome stuff! :) I would love to see a review of the Laneige BB cream!! It looks like a great one c: Happy Holidays to you, too!!
    Love, Jenny

    1. I'll do a review of that one soon :) Happy holidays!

  3. They look like great products, definitely staying around for the reviews, I've heard many great things about korean cosmetics so I hope they live up to the hype!


  4. ahh.. you look so pretty ♥
    followed you~~

    blog ♥ yurose


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