
Travel Diaries: Rome, Part 1

Saturday, September 06, 2014

Finally back! It's been a few weeks, and I was tired after my trip and then school started which was a big pain in the butt, but thankfully now it's the weekend again so I've finally found some time to post stuff yay!

I was on vacation for around a week and a half back in August, and I visited Italy, Germany, and Switzerland. I took tons of pictures, and so I'm going to do a series of blog posts, probably one for each day of the trip, to share some of the pictures I took. 
This first post is for the first day of my trip, which was spent in Rome, Italy.
So that building up there is some random art gallery we passed by when walking on the street, but it looked super cool and luxurious with the huge iron gates and palm trees and stuff so I obviously had to take a picture. 

some random gorgeous Versace store I passed while walking. Cannot afford so just stared longingly into the windows.
Most of the attractions in Rome aren't too far from each other, and using cars and cabs isn't very convenient, so I did A LOT of walking, which was nice since you get to see so much more when you walk around. 

The first touristy destination of the trip was the Museo e Galleria Borghese which was housed in this pretty white building. How do they keep their buildings so white?  

One of the rooms in the building.Every single room in here looked this ornate, I can't believe all that work and paint went into a single room :O 

Some random gelato-shaped thing on the side of the road. Gelato is actually everywhere in Italy, they even have gelato shaped garbage cans.

Pretty sidewalk art of some famous scenes in Rome. 

Passed by the Spanish steps on the way back to the hotel. Not as good of a view as I hoped because the building behind the steps was also under construction urgghhh.. 
but the view from the top was still great. Just look at all those tourists! Saw two Korean girls walking around hanboks and taking pictures with tourists, lol. They're sort of in the picture, between the umbrella girl and guy with white shorts, don't know if you can see them though.  

The first dinner in Italy! That's spagetti carbonara (I think that's what it was called) with cheese, ham and egg. Pasta is my favourite kind of Italian food ( I actually like it more than pizza) and this one was super good probably because I was so hungry after walking 129876 kilometers in the afternoon.

And this is the delicious gelato that was for dessert. The flavors were pistachio, hazelnut, and stracciatella (vanilla with chocolate flakes).  The little wafer roll things were a pretty touch :) I think the scoops should have been a bit bigger though, or maybe that's just me being  a fatty.

So that pretty much wraps up the pictures from my first day. Hope you enjoyed the post, and look out for the rest coming soon! I'll be posting more fashion and beauty stuff soon too though, so don't worry if you're not into travelling (how could you not be though like come on) and I'll try to post as frequently as possible, with school and all that.

Have you ever been to Rome before? Or traveled somewhere this summer? Let me know in the comments! 
Thanks for reading! 

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  1. Thanx for coment in my blog. Of course we can fllow each other.Ifollow you noe on bloglovin. :)

  2. I really must go back to Italy. Your post has inspired me.
    Nilla Forever

    1. It's a beautiful place, I also hope to return someday!

  3. Amazing post! All the food pictures are making me drool! lol The inside of that building is Breathtaking! Gorgeous! You're so very lucky to have gotten to go to these amazing places! :D These summer I got a chance to go to San Francisco. I had an amazing time there :) I look forward to your part 2!! :D

    p.s. I nominated you for the BEST blog award!! Check it out on my blog please :)


    1. I'd love to visit San Fran! My friend went and returned with amazing photos. I'll try to post the rest quickly :)
      Thank you so much for the nomination, I'll post it soon!

  4. Wow it looked really awesome! I wish I could go too. I bet you have the best time of your life there. x

    Angelus || angelus-officially.blogspot.com

  5. This post made me want to travel to rome even more now! Awesome blog btw ^_^

    minae - minaekei.blogspot.co.uk

  6. I love Rome! The skies are bluer and the clouds are denser. Nice post!

    I hope you can come visit my new blog and give me some advice~


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