
Style Coordinate #2 - Little Black Dress

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Happy August everyone! Wow, summer has really gone by so fast. And today, I'm sharing my second outfit post. Sorry for being so unoriginal and doing another outfit with a black dress, since my last one also had a black dress... But I promise to change things up a little for the next post! 

Anyways, this is the outfit I wore when I went to the One Direction concert on August 1st! It was at the Rogers Centre in Toronto, and IT WAS AMAZING! I used to be a crazy fan of One Direction, although I guess I've calmed down a little, lol. But I still love their music, and was willing to pay $115 for tickets so I guess I am still a pretty big fan, haha. 
For anyone else who's a fan of theirs, you might know that they have a song called "little black dress" which is why I decided to wear a little black dress to the concert :) 
I know most people like to wear fan merchandise, or "concert" T-shirts with their idol's faces and names printed all over, but I didn't want to look too odd walking around downtown (gotta keep it classy) and I reasoned that I wanted to look nice if One Direction saw me, which they didn't since there were 40,000 other crazy girls (and guys) there too. But oh well, keep dreaming right? 
I really loved the unique design of this dress! It's very confusing to describe, but it kind of looks like a two-piece set because the top part isn't connected to the skirt, instead it hangs on top, and the lace part in the middle is uncovered. Make sense? It's okay if it doesn't because I have pictures :)

I paired the dress with a pair of polka-dotted shoes, and a miniature Celine luggage tote. I really love that bag, but I also really can't afford the actual one, so I'll settle for this instead. 
I would have loved to wear a pair of jeweled sandals or wedges with this dress, but I though these shoes were more comfortable for walking around downtown, and dancing, so I went with the practical choice, lol.

Dress: on taobao, from here  
Bag: some shop in China, but they have the same thing on Dailylook here 
Shoes: Aldo
Bracelet ( can you even see it?) : Juicy Couture
Sunglasses: Guess

So that's it, my outfit and my little adventure from this past weekend! How's everyone's summer (or winter depending on where your from) going? let me know :)

Thanks for reading!

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  1. oh my you look so adorable ♥♥ (That's actually the reason I started followin you on bloglovin' haha). I like the black dress and the bag you're wearing in this post! They're so classy but chic! I hope to hear from you more often :D you're so adorable, I'm sorry for always saying this but you are!!! (I feel like a creep now xD) Thanks for posting this ♥

    Mindy ♥

    1. awh, your too sweet ^^ Thanks for following me ♥

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog dear :) You look so cute <3
    Glad to hear you just started this blog :) Wishing you the best!
    Your look is simple yet stylish! I also want the Celine bag, but also can't affor one for now, maybe in the future? (a) btw. I have followed you dear ;)


  3. It does look like a set! Love your outfit ^_^ I used to be a fan of 1D too but I've calmed down since then XD


  4. All black, really pretty coordination.. love the mini Celine bag XD


  5. Thanks for visiting my blog sweetie, I followed you on bloglovin' ^__^
    Also your outfit is so cute! I usually avoid wearing concert tees also just in case the band sees me LOL. Thanks for posting this ^___^ I hope you had fun with your concert. (:

    x est9x@blogspot.com

    1. Thanks! Followed back :) LOL I know right, even though they probably won't see me but you never know ;)

  6. Hey, I've nominated you for the Liebster Award, check it out here http://hannahbutterworth.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/ive-been-nominated-for-liebster-award.html :) x

    and that dress is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you! Omg, sounds fun :) I'll post it soon!

  7. Oh really nice dress!! I love black dresses because it's easy to wear for a classic or glamor look!
    You're really pretty on all pictures :3


    1. I agree, They're perfect for any occasion! Awh thank you c:


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